Monday 11 April 2011

Weavers Fields

Oh. Wow. Hello, summer! So long has it been since my melanin-deficient skin felt the sweet caress of UV, I barely knew what to do with myself when the sun came out last week. However, it doesn’t take a genius to realise that the only place to be when it’s above 20 degrees in London is the park

I am lucky (?) enough to live within easy walking distance of the treasure that is London Fields, but I didn’t want to got there… I know for a fact that Hoxtonistas and Shoredolls alike have been carefully monitoring the thermometer awaiting the moment they can crack out their demin hotpants and crop tops (and that’s just the blokes) and strut up and down Broadway Market. And that’s not my scene. I prefer to drink my bottled organic cider somewhere a little less… Showy.

Weavers Fields provided the perfect antidote to the bane of the Trendy Wendy. Nestled just south of Bethnal Green Road, it’s hardly out of the way, but it seems to have escaped the perennially unemployed scene-sters of the aforementioned London Fields. I’d actually argue that it’s easier to get to, but maybe I should be keeping that quiet… Anyway. There was barely a brogue in sight. I don’t think I saw a single Poirot moustache. It was incredibly relaxing.

There are a couple of football pitches marked out on the 15 or so acres (what? Everyone works in acres these days). Unfortunately, a massive oversight on my part resulted in the lack of a football. Or a frizbee. Or anything remotely recreational. All the more reason to kick back on the grass and bask in the sun with drink in hand…

If (like me) you like to enjoy a substantial picnic whilst you catch some rays, the Tescos on Bethnal Green Road is perfectly situated to provide all you could need. There’s also the Star of Bethnal Green right there, which proved handy for a loo when the bottles of organic cider began to catch up with my bladder.

The one thing I would say is that it would have been nice if there’d been a pub a little closer to the grass. I mean… Even for someone as lazy as me, the Star wasn’t exactly a trek. But there’s something comforting about having a pub right there, you know? You never know when you’ll need a loo/sink/mirror or a drink in a glass/a proper chair. Or all of the above.

Still. I only needed one of those things in the end, so I managed just fine. AND none of the anticipated East London pretention. Huzzah! Thus making Weavers Fields officially my favourite greenspace within spitting distance of my flat. Easy.

Cheapskate rating:
Only lacking a pub.

Additional notes:            
Remember to take your frizbee/football/bat and ball/hoop and stick.
There’s a children’s play area (!)… It’s sadly full of children though. Selfish.

Got Google maps?: E2 6HW
Nearest tube: Bethnal Green (5 mins) or Whitechapel (10 mins)
Buses: 8, 388, D3
Overground: Bethnal Green (1 min)